

DNA/Liquid handling
  • Product Name
    Fully automated RNA/DNA extractor
    Detailed Introduction
    ? 1 working cabinbr/> Kits cooling temperature: 2-8C

  • Product Name
    Real time qPCR LEPGEN-96
    Detailed Introduction
    Real time qPCR Lepgen-96 ...

  • Product Name
    Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor NEXOR32
    Detailed Introduction
    Product Specifications Typical Throughput ...

  • Product Name
    Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor NEXOR96
    Detailed Introduction
    Product Specifications Typical Throughput ...

  • Product Name
    ASP Series of Automatic Liquid Handling ...
    Detailed Introduction
    Automatic Sample Processor Series Addcares liquid handling and assay processing platforms are designed to efficiently automate routine sample prepara...

  • Product Name
    ASP Series of mini Automatic Liquid Hand...
    Detailed Introduction
    Automatic Sample Processor Series Addcares liquid handling and assay processing platforms are designed to efficiently automate routine sample prepara...

  • Product Name
    DNA extraction system
    Detailed Introduction
    DNA extraction and PCR preparation systemsare designed to precisely process all steps required for these complex and time consuming applications on a...

  • Product Name
    RNA Extracting Robot
    Detailed Introduction
    DNA Extracting Robot/PCR Setup Robot Standard Configuration HighlightsBased on our proven sample processing technology, the Addcare DNA Extraction ...

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  • ADD:No.10, Nanjing Street, Development Zone, Yantai, Shandong, 265500, P.R.China.

  • TEL:+86-535-6398536

  • FAX:+86-535-6398506

  • Email:marketing@lepu-medical.com

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